
MSB Design

Designers And Manufacturers Of Telecommunications Test Equipment

Welcome to the links page. Choose the category of interest and click on the blue links to take you to the url of choice. The engineering software section contains programs of interest to electronics engineers, and most have been reviewed, albeit in brief. Because of its size the software section is on a different page – click Engineering Software to take you there.

Telecoms standards

BABTUK telecoms standards
ETSIEuropean standards authority
USA standardsUS FCC standards authority
OFTELUS FCC standards authority
BTbt standards documents

Recommended suppliers

LucidataFirewall hardware suppliers
Morite WindingsExcellent custom transformers
Cambridge Circuit CompanyReliable prototype PCBs

Telecom related services

192Directory enquiry service
bt directory enquiriesBT version, free

Test Houses

Kingston CommunicationsKTL Testing Laboratories
BSIBSI testing services
Triple CTriple C emc testing etc.
BABT Product ServicesBABT approvals testing
GenesysGenesys approvals testing